Experio Lab is inviting to the Experio Seminars. Once a month we’ll invite interesting researchers to talk about service design, service logic and user-driven services in public sector.
Design has for long been argued to have an important role in shaping our societies, both for the good and bad. With the emergence of service design and its application within public sector, design knowledge has more clearly moved into the realm of having organizations, processes, policies and practices as design material. In this Experio Seminar Anna and Katarina will critically discuss the potentialities as well as the shortcomings of using design approaches for policy renewal.
Anna Whicher is a pioneer in the area of design and innovation labs, having conducted several project and studies on European level. Katarina Wetter Edman, has worked with and researched Experio Lab since its start, and held postions as Research manager at Delegation of trust based governance (Tillitsdelegationen), and Forskning och Utveckling I Sörmland.
Recording from March 19th
(The Future of design policy – Anna Whicher PDF)