Experio Reflections

A Reflection Series

Experio Lab proudly presents Experio Reflections – a series of texts, films, or conversations designed to spark dialogue about design-driven practice and its intersections with present-day society, as well as our hopes and aspirations for the future. A number of Reflections pieces will be released each year, inspired by our work at Experio Lab and our ongoing exploration of design, service logic, and user-driven development. Our hope is to inspire meaningful dialogue and collective reflection on how we can build upon and transform social structures and welfare services.

We also invite other organizations and individuals to contribute their own Reflections pieces—just reach out to kajsa.westling@experiolab.se for more details.

On February 18, we’ll be launching our very first Reflections piece. Here, we share our perspective on how design practices have evolved alongside the development of public systems. We showcase examples of how Experio Lab’s practice has progressed from designing specific services in the healthcare sector to contributing to the design of integrated services across multiple sectors, and more recently, to creating arenas for social transformation and systems development.

We’re excited to welcome Sune Knudsen, co-founder of Transition Collective, who will join us to reflect on this first piece.

Everyone interested in design practice and its contribution to the development of our public systems is warmly welcome to listen and take part in the conversation. Participants who register will receive the text in advance.

Time: February 18, 08:30–09:45 CET
Place: Teams

Sign up below!

    Experio Reflections 2025