Four aspects of successful design leadership

Erik Stolterman Bergqvist

. Senior Executive Associate Dean, Professor in Informatics, 
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, Indiana University, Bloomington

Experio Lab is inviting to the Experio Seminars. Once a month we’ll invite interesting researchers to talk about service design, service logic and user-driven services in public sector.

Design has developed into one of the most important approaches to intentional change in today’s world. Designers are recognized as crucial for almost every aspect of business and organizational success.

This means that designers of all kinds are moving up in their organizations. They must take on broader and bigger responsibilities. Design leadership, as any kind of leadership, requires specific knowledge and skills. Design leaders must have deep knowledge about design as a unique approach and what it takes to create a successful design culture and design practice.

Over the years I have worked on simplifying what I see as the core of being a successful design leader. I will discuss four aspects that are based on my many years of studies of design practice and professional designers in relation to contemporary design theory and design philosophy.

Recording from November 18th

Erik Stolterman Bergqvist. Senior Executive Associate Dean, Professor in Informatics, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Indiana University, Bloomington