Experio Lab views healthcare from a service perspective. This means that we assume that value is created in the meeting between the patient and the healthcare services and that the patients therefore are an important resource that needs to be utilised both in the development and use of healthcare services. We use design as a method to involve patients, family members and staff in the development of healthcare.
Design is often associated with shape and colour, but it actually involves much more than that. The word ‘design’ comes from Latin and simply put it means to consciously develop something. To create something of value, which is seen as functional and appealing to the end user, whether it is a chair, a website or a patient meeting.
The method is based on an exploratory approach (also called iterative) to solve challenges from the user’s perspective. The idea is that we put ourselves in the user’s situation and try to understand his or her needs before describing the problem. Based on this knowledge, we develop new solutions which we test on a small scale early on, together with the users. The creative, collaborative and user-centred approach helps us to create sustainable healthcare services and better patient experiences.
In addition to contributing to the development of new solutions and innovations, design has also proved to be important in bringing about the cultural change needed to transform our organisations. Through the experience-based approach we are able to shed light on the invisible structures (norms, rules and roles) that affect our organisational culture. This makes it easier to question these structures and enables us to redesign them based on the needs of the patient.