About us

Experio Lab Sweden is a collaboration between regions that want to develop their skills in user-driven development, using service design as a method and approach. The vision is based on a will to meet the challenges and needs for development and transformation faced by healthcare services today.

Since the start of Experio Lab in 2013, as part of the County Council of Värmland, an interregional collaboration has developed between several other regions that want to move in the same direction. Today, the collaboration also includes Region Västernorrland, Region Sörmland, Region Västra Götaland, Region Stockholm, Region Kalmar, Region Norrbotten and Region Halland. The initiative is coordinated by Region Värmland and participation is based on a management decision in each organisation to promote user-driven development of their activities both separately and in collaboration with other organisations.

All participants develop their own capacity and ability through labs embedded within the operations of the healthcare services. Together we develop knowledge and share methods and resources, as well as collaborating within the following areas:

  • developing the competence and ability to use design in healthcare.
  • contributing to the spread of innovations, work procedures, methods and tools.
  • implementing and supporting research.
  • opening the way for collaboration with other actors.


Tomas Edman

Tomas Edman

Coordinator Experio Lab
Elin Hedbrandh

Elin Hedbrandh

Innovation Management and Service Design
Kalle Petterson

Kalle Pettersson

Project manager Experio Lab
Kajsa Westling

Kajsa Westling

Project manager Experio Lab

Karin Petrusson

Design Strategist

Matilda Legeby

Project Manager, Senior Design Strategist

Our history

Experio Lab was inaugurated by the County Council of Värmland in autumn 2013. The starting point was the Vinnova-funded project Testbädd patientnära tjänsteinnovation (Testbed patient-oriented service innovation), which ran from 2013 to 2016. The mission was to create a meeting between healthcare and design and to develop a platform for innovation, research and development.

In a short period of time, Experio Lab established itself as an actor with knowledge and experience of how to work with the patient’s participation in the development of healthcare services. This created a demand for Experio Lab as a model for patient involvement, design and service innovation and as a partner in research projects, both nationally and internationally.

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