Experio Exchange #1

Exploring the Future of Preventative Care

Exploring the Future of Preventative Care

What if our society focused more on preventing illnesses? What if an AI could predict your biggest health risks and encourage you to drastically change behavior?

The design team at Södersjukhuset, together with Bloom type foundry, has explored these questions and more in their speculative design project: The Centre for Preventive Care. In November 2022, this project, set in the year 2052, was showcased for a week at the main entrance of Stockholm’s Södersjukhuset hospital. Visitors were invited to experience what a future healthcare visit might be like, and to think about the pros and cons of prediction and prevention. This project was one of 11 chosen to receive funding from Vinnova – Sweden’s innovation agency – as part of their call for future prototypes. It’s a good example of how speculative design can help us involve citizens in discussing and thinking about our future.

During this breakfast talk, Maria Stockhaus and Pomme van Hoof, designers at Södersjukhuset’s Innovation Department, will walk you through the future prototype and share insights into the process behind it.

Recording from September 6th 2024.